We collaborate with the University of Barcelona (Spain) and its “Medicine and Translational Research Program” (https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/medicine-health-sciences/medicine-and-traslational-research).
You need to be an Active Member of MIFAS by Grecmip and be up to date with the payment of your Annual Membership Fee.
You will be asked to published two indexed scientific papers collaborating with your PhD Supervisor, who will be a member of MIFAS by GRECMIP Board.
In addition, you will have the chance to get the “International European Mention” in your PhD if you meet the requirements.
Candidates joining the Program will be automatically granted the MIFAS by Grecmip PhD Program Grant, covering 1st year inscription at the PhD University Program (limited to 5 per year), and special consideration for the MIFAS by Grecmip Research Grant will be warranted.
For more information, please contact the secretariat: contact@mifas.org